Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) are a set of disorders that can occur any time during pregnancy & in the first year postpartum.
They can include depression, anxiety, panic, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder and postpartum psychosis.
10-20% of women will develop a PMAD. Over 800,000 cases are reported in the US each year, making PMAD the most common maternal health complication (Indiana University Health).
Symptoms can include:
frequent crying
sleep & appetite changes
feelings of loneliness, sadness, helplessness
repetitive, sometimes scary thoughts that won't go away
anger, frustration, irritability
difficulty bonding with the baby
anxiety, panic, excessive worry
feelings of being trapped
fear of being left alone with baby
sense of doom
lack of interest in life, feeling sluggish, fatigued, exhausted
feeling overwhelmed
feeling speeded up or wired
thoughts of hurting yourself or those around you
Baby Blues
Approximately 60-80% of new moms experience the “baby blues” after childbirth. These mild symptoms include crying, feeling overwhelmed and uncertain, sleep deprivation and fatigue and typically last 2 days to 2 weeks. This is not a disorder.